sing different

Stimmung Choir

A non-auditioned community choir in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland.

  • Joining is as easy as clicking Sign Up (creating a free account) and showing up to sing. Whether you’re a ‘singer’ or not, you’re welcome. Koha on an ‘as means allow’ basis is greatly appreciated - details in our members’ section when you sign up.

  • Rehearsals Monday 7:30-9:30pm
    Mt Albert Presbyterian Church
    14 Mt Albert Road

    Rehearsal dates vary. Create a membership to be kept up to date.

  • Any questions, email

  • "The coolest choir in Auckland"

    NZ Herald

  • "Tonight, I found the joy"

    Audience Member - ‘Stimmung’s Greatest Hits’

  • "Best part of my week"

    Choir Member